Our Roots
Upton Grange is a nonpartisan, non-profit, 138 year old, family organization for local men, women, boys, & girls of all ages. We're dedicated to improving the quality of life of Upton’s residents through community service, support of local agriculture, and providing Agricultural Fairs. Since our founding in 1885, Grange activities have included community service projects, a College scholarship program for Upton residents, annual Upton Citizens & Veterans Awards, Coats 4 Vets, food drives for local food banks, a Recycling Shed & providing programs for Upton Senior Center.
Making A Difference
Agricultural Fair
At Upton Grange, we have held over 75 annual Agricultural Fairs. We invite you to enter your home-grown garden produce & flowers and home-made crafts & baked goods for a chance to win ribbons & cash prizes. Or just join us for lots of fun at our Fair. Categories to Exhibit are listed in the Menu of our Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GrangeUpton/

Monthly Meetings
At Upton Grange, we meet every 2nd Thursday at 7:00 pm and all are welcome to attend.

Our goal is to restore the Grange building which is listed in Massachusetts Register of Historic places in the Upton Historic district as #176. The building was recognized by the Upton and the State historical commissions as a treasured building as Upton’s first public school building Center School #1. Built in 1851, it was also the first High School in Upton. We have applied for a MA Historical Grant and local CPC Funds from the Town of Upton. We ask local Upton citizens for your support.

“Everything that is done in the world is done by hope”
Martin Luther